bjk's blog

January 1, 2017

QPwmc version 0.4.1 released

Filed under: projects, qpwmc — bjk @ 7:45 pm

This version adds Pwmd::isQueued() to determine if a command is in the command or garbage collecting queue; adds Pwmd::genkey() to make use of pwmd’s new GENKEY command and finally adds PwmdKeyGenDialog for generating a new encryption, signing and subkey.

PwmdSaveWidget can now delete a key from the keyring and has a couple expiry fixes. It also allows specifying only one signing key to adapt changes from pwmd.

Libpwmd version 8.1.0 released

Filed under: libpwmd, projects — bjk @ 7:38 pm

This version adds pwmd_genkey() to make use of pwmd’s new GENKEY command when used with a local pinentry. Also, the pwmc .listkeys command now outputs a key’s keygrip as well as fingerprint.

Pwmd 3.1.0-beta2 released

Filed under: projects, pwmd — bjk @ 7:35 pm

This changes a few important things from beta1: The SAVE command will no longer generate any keys even if the file is a new one. Instead, you should use the new GENKEY command to generate a keypair, then provide the encryption and signing keyid’s to SAVE. Or you can provide any other existing keyid’s.

A new command GENKEY has been added. Use this to generate a new encryption, signing or subkey for use with the SAVE command.

The SAVE command now only allows a single signer.

Added configuration parameter “strict_open” to prevent clients from creating new data files.

Added command DELETEKEY to delete a private key (and its’ subkeys).

The DUMP command no longer requires a passing checksum test. This is to allow a client to dump what they have edited when the checksum fails do to another client modifying the data file or some other reason.

Added copy-on-write support. When two or more clients have the same data file open and one modifies the document, a copy of the document is made for the client. Otherwise a document pointer is shared among clients to save some memory. The first client to SAVE the same document as another client “wins” and others will need to reopen the data file do to a checksum failure.

And… Happy New Year!

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